Always Ready Rocketry LLC
Home Of Blue Tube 2.0

ARR stocks most of the common items needed to build your latest rocketry project.
Need a kit? Check out Bits & Pieces for our clearance kits.
Why Deal With Always Ready Rocketry?
Because we will answer the telephone or return your call.
With our Custom Designed CNC Router, Always Ready Rocketry offers Slotting of Airframes,
Custom Fins, Cluster Centering Rings and Bulkheads made to your specifications.
Considering a Custom Rocket build or an L3 Project? Need a longer or modified E-bay?
Visit our Special Projects page located in Custom CNC Services.
Blue Tube 2.0 Airframes in 72″ lengths, available exclusively on this website.
Blue Tube Airframes and Couplers in 48″ lengths.
Research Supplies including Motor O-Rings, Nichrome Wire, and Casting Tubes & Liners.
Hardware including Aero Pack Motor Retainers and AeroTech Motors & Hardware.
Nosecones from LOC and PML
Top Flight and Surplus Parachutes.
Have a question? We welcome your call; in fact I look forward to speaking with you.
A phone call is still the best way to get quick and accurate information.
Please leave a phone number and a message and we will call you back.
Email: FAQ at
David M. Ebersole Sr.
Mount Vernon WA 98273
Phone 360-445-2ARR (2277) Pacific Time
Always Ready Rocketry, LLC is a Veteran Owned and Operated Business.
We Appreciate All Who Have Served.
Featured Products
Highly Recommended Reading
The Perfect Gift

This book is a valuable resource for every Educator and hobbyist new to Sport rocketry. Almost every question you might have can be answered with the information provided within this book. In my humble opinion this book is a must have addition to your rocketry library.

You want to get something for that special Rocketeer on your list,but you don’t know a Fin-Can from a Nosecone, then an ARR Gift Certificate is the perfect solution.
ARR Gift Certificates can be purchased in increments of $25.00.
Simply select the amount you wish to give and checkout.
That’s all there is to it.