Nosecones & Airframe Transitions

Our plastic nosecones are precision molded and are strong, smooth and allow easy finishing. Our plastic nose cones can be modified to house a variety of altimeters and data acquisition computers, eliminating the need for bulky conventional payload sections. The ample length shoulder provides additional space to house your electronics.

 Part#      Description   Diameter  Length   Shoulder  Wt/OZ
NC-1.1-CON  29mm Conical   1.145      6.00"     1.50"    2.2 
NC-1.5-CON  38mm Conical   1.525      8.00"     1.50"    4.3 
NC-1.52     38mm Nosecone  1.5        10.0"     2.00"    3.5 
NC-2.14     54mm Nosecone  2.25       9.50"     1.75"    3.5
NC-2.56     2.56 Nosecone  2.560     11.25"     2.00"    5.4
NC-3.0      75mm Nosecone  3.000     13.25"     2.50"    5.6  
NC-3.9      98mm Nosecone  3.900     16.75"     3.00"   10.0 
NC-5.5S     5.5  Nosecone  5.380     17.0”      4.00”   10.0 
NC-5.5L     5.5  Nosecone  5.380     26.0”      5.00"   22.0
NC-7.5      7.5 Nosecone   7.510     27.0"      5.00"   32.0
NC-7.5TC    7.5 Tailcone   7.51                 5.00"    


3.0″ to 2.14” (54mm) Airframe Reducer/Tail Cone is 8″ long with a taper angle of 8%, a taper length of 3.12″,and a weight of 4 oz.
3.90″ to 3.0″ Airframe Reducer/Tail Cone. This reducer is 8.75″ long with a taper angle of 10 Degrees, a taper length of 2.5″, and a weight of 6oz.
Each end has a cut-out for a 29mm, 38mm, or 54mm Motor Mount Tube pass-through. This can eliminate the need for additional centering rings.
Use these for an inverted payload section, boat tail, or to transition between two different size airframes.

SKU N/A Category


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