Tony McCrea’s Blue Phenix Sr. custom “Thunderbee” He bagged his L2 on a J350 then immediately went for the rare and unusual dual thrust K375NW-P supersonic to 7,400′ with a perfect recovery!
4″ Fireball, J275 Clone
2.5″ Eliminator, I161 Clone
Blue Phenix Sr. (4″) on a K700 to 5,635′
4.5″ Blackbird, J1200
4.5″ Blackbird, J415 Clone
7.5″ AMRAAM, M1000 Red
Robert Synoski’s scratch built hybrid ready 2.6″ Blue Tube Rocket
Robert Boetger’s scratch built 2.6″ Blue Tube Rocket ready to fly
Matt Van Durme’s 3″ Blue Phenix v1.0 on an H180W for a successful L1
Bryan Whitemarsh’s futuristic 5.5″ “Avenger” going up on a K550!
Brent Rubinow’s gorgeous Basic Blues 4 with a polished Aeropack tailcone retainer.. Awesome paint job!
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