
CNC Precision Crafted Components. ARR produces every  bulkplate with our custom built CNC router. We individually fit each bulkplate to current production. Blue Tube 2.0 sizes as a function of our quality control policy.
Bulkhead Specifications:
Bulkhead sizes up to 4.0″ are cut from 6 mm Baltic Birch Plywood with hardware included.
5.5″ Bulkheads are cut from 9 mm Baltic Birch Plywood without holes or hardware.
Bulkhead sizes, 6″ & 7.5″, are cut from 12mm Baltic Birch Plywood without holes or hardware.
Endcap Style Bulkplates are currently available without holes or hardware for  Ebay Sizes 5.5, 6.0, and 7.5 .
Please call 360-445-2ARR  if a custom  hole pattern is desired, and we will adjust the cost.


SKU N/A Category


"Blue Tube 2.0", the phrase "What's Your Rocket Made Of?", and "Ready to Fly, Anytime" are trademarks of Always Ready Rocketry, LLC.
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Website Design by Always Ready Rocketry, LLC. 2022